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Cranston High School East Library: Class Visits to the Library

How can teachers bring their classes to the library?

The CHSE Library welcomes class visits for research, book selection, presentations, etc.  I am happy to collaborate with teachers in all subject areas on research projects, literature-based projects, or nearly anything else.  Please call, email, or speak with me if you would like to bring your class to the library.  

Here are some helpful tips for planning library visits.  

  • The CHSE Library is a busy place, and the schedule often fills up.  It is best to plan a few weeks in advance.  
  • Teachers should  meet with me for at least a few minutes to plan for a class visit to the library.  I very much appreciate receiving a copy of your assignment in advance of your class visit.  That way I can find appropriate print and online resources for your students and perhaps even design graphic organizers to assist them with their research.  
  • If you just have an idea for an assignment, but haven't yet roughed all of the details, that is ok.  I love discussing projects and may be able to help you design your project.  
  • For each project, it is best if the classroom teacher has already accompanied the class to the library before the class comes with a substitute. That way, the students and I have a clear understanding of the project and library time can be used wisely.  
  • Teachers accompanying a class should be sure to monitor their class and attend to their students’ activities and behavior. 

Can I sign up for the library computers?

The computers in the main section of the library (not the labs adjacent to the library) are for classes working on research or other library related projects.  If you would like your class to use the library computers, please see me to discuss your research project.  If your students are typing, uploading common tasks or portfolio assignments, or working on something that is not research or library related, please use another lab.  The computer lab adjacent to the library is scheduled separately from the library, and can be reserved by teachers.