Explora Secondary (AskRI.org)
Refinery 29
PBS News Hour
20 Teen Activists Who Inspire Us to Do Good
Wikipedia (for background) - look at sources for more info
Smithsonian Magazine
Obama White House Archives
TED Talk
#KidsDeserveIt podcast
Kelvin’s website
Imagination Matters article
Black History article
TEDxTeen video
Wikipedia - (for background) - look at sources for more info
BBC article
World Book Student (AskRI.org)
Boyan’s website
Time article
UN article
TEDx Talk
Biography Reference Center (AskRI.org)
United Arab Emirates Cabinet
Wikipedia - (for background) - look at sources
Aya’s website
Women Lift Health article
Climate Champions article
International Congress of Youth Voices article
TEDx video
Ann’s website
Forbes article
United Nations article
UNICEF article
DW article
Wikipedia - (for background) - go to the sources at the end
Equal Justice Initiative
The History Makers
Americans Who Tell the Truth
RFK Human Rights
TED talk
BMS book
SORA eBook
eZone eBook
eZone audio
Washingtonian article
AECF.org article
Smithsonian article
Naomi’s website
CaseyCast podcast
NowThis Kids podcast
NowThis video
March for Our Lives video
National Women’s History Museum
Asia Society
Sonita’s Website
Wikipedia (for background) - look at sources
Teen Vogue
Tonight Show video
CBN article
End Slavery Now article
World’s Children’s Prize article
US Dept of Labor site
The Famous People article
Hollywood Reporter article
Atlas of the Future article
Business of Fashion article
Blex Media video
Malala’s website
Nobel Prize article
UN.org article
The TED Interview podcast