The RI Teen Book Award is a statewide book award for middle and high school students. Each year, approximately 20 books are nominated for this award. The CHSE Library has multiple copies of the nominated title and encourages students to read as many of these titles as possible. Any student who has read three or more of the nominated titles is eligible to vote for the RI Teen Book Award. Voting takes place in January, and the winning title is announced in the spring. Visit the RITBA website to find out more about the award, and to see this year's list of nominated titles.
A list of what's new and what's upcoming in fiction. Fantastic Fiction is an online catalog of authors and books.
Find any book that you already like in the Ocean State Libraries Catalog and you'll find a list of books that you may also like at the bottom of the book record. You'll also find professional reviews and reader reviews for most books in the catalog. If you find a book that you like and you have a library card from any public library in Rhode Island, you can borrow an eBook or place a hold on the physical book and pick it up at your local public library.
The Cranston Public Library for Teens Pinterest board is updated regularly with new book recommendations
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