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Exeter-West Greenwich Jr/Sr High School Library: eBooks & Audiobooks

Middle School Book Battle

Destiny Discover

Open and check out ebooks/digital audiobooks from Destiny Discover  on your laptop or use the Destiny Discover App on your phone.  

If needed the school location code is - wbb03987


Additionally you can download the ebook you checked out with the Destiny Read App  



Follett ebook - How To

Follett Destiny Discover Apps for all devices.


physical Audio books available in school too!

Digital Audiobooks

If ELA required reads come in a digital audiobook format I have purchased it for our library.  .


 SORA App(video) 

Ebooks and Audio

Use the link above

To download on your mobile device or laptop

My school collection is -  ¨RI Schools shared digital collection¨

 pick school -  ewg regional school district
 sign in using regular ewg email and password 


audiobooksync - 16 weeks of free downloads through summer

Ocean State Libraries

 Libby APP


Public Library ebook access is through the Libby App which takes you to the Ocean State Libraries ezone on the public library website with your public library card.



The Palace Project


Public Libraries -  Need help?  You can email Ms. Robinson  at -  from the Exeter Public Library to get a card and help using the ebook ezone.  For Louttitt email Ms. Barta at -




SORA App- for EWG ebooks and audio book and Audiosync

EWG ebook access recap

Aditional Resources

Project Gutenberg -42,000 free e-books in the public domain


PDF Drive - your search engine for PDF files. As of today we have 77,516,934 eBooks for you to download for free.


Internet Archive National Library


New York City School Libraries - Covid 19 ebooks in multiple languages


eBook solutions

What to Do If Your eBook Stops Working While You Are Reading

Teachers and students who want to read an eBook should always log in.


If they find the eBook or audio book in Destiny Discover, they should check it out before Opening it.


If they find and Open an eBook or digital audio book in Destiny Classic, a new window should Open.


Once the book opens, they should click on the book symbol with the check mark on it to Check out the book. The eBooks must open in a new window in the browser in either case.


When the student or teacher is finished with the book, they should close the new window that opened, and they will be returned to the Destiny Classic or Destiny Discover window where they started.


If the eBooks are not opening in a separate window, this is something to talk about with your local technology person as a possible browser or network setting.


If the book is checked out and a problem occurs, the user should close the window where it was opened.


Then the user should be able to open the book again right away in the Destiny Discover or Destiny Classic window where they started, and the eBook should open to the page where they were when the problem occurred.


If the eBook is not displayed in the Destiny Discover window, they can click on the hamburger symbol in the left-hand corner, scroll down to Checkouts, and open the eBook again.


If they were in Destiny Classic, they can find and Open the eBook or audio book in the My Info tab, provided they logged in and checked the item out. The eBook should open to the page where they were when the problem occurred.