Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
Call Number: FIC ASH
ISBN: 978-1-59514-171-2
High school student Clay Jenkins receives a box in the mail containing seven cassette tapes recorded by his crush, Hannah Baker, who committed suicide, and spends a bewildering and heartbreaking night crisscrossing their town, listening to Hannah's voice recounting the events leading up to her death.
Fat kid rules the world by K.L. Going
Call Number: FIC GOI
ISBN: 0-399-23990-1
Seventeen-year-old Troy, depressed, suicidal, and weighing nearly three hundred pounds, gets a new perspective on life when Curt, a semi-homeless teen who is a genius on guitar, asks Troy to be the drummer in a rock band.
Willow by Julia Hoban
Call Number: FIC HOB
ISBN: 0-14-241666-5
Sixteen-year-old Willow, who was driving the car that killed both of her parents, copes with the pain and guilt by cutting herself, until she meets a smart and sensitive boy who is determined to help her stop.
All the bright places by Jennifer Niven
Call Number: FIC NIV
ISBN: 978-0-385-75588-7
Told in alternating voices, when Theodore Finch and Violet Markey meet on the ledge of the bell tower at school, both teetering on the edge, it's the beginning of an unlikely relationship, a journey to discover the "natural wonders" of the state of Indiana, and two teens' desperate desire to heal and save one another.
The memory of light by Francisco X. Stork
Call Number: FIC STO
ISBN: 978-0-545-47432-0
When Victoria Cruz wakes up in the psychiatric ward of a Texas hospital after her failed suicide attempt, she still has no desire to live, but as the weeks pass, and she meets Dr. Desai and three of the other patients, she begins to reflect on the reasons why she feels like a loser compared with the rest of her family, and to see a path ahead where she can make a life of her own.
Everything you need to know about suicide and self-harm by Erin Pack-Jordan
Call Number: 616.85 PAC
ISBN: 978-1-50818355-6
A book for teens about depression, suicide, and self-harm.
Living when a young friend commits suicide, or even starts talking about it by Earl A. Grollman
Call Number: 362.2 GRO
ISBN: 0-8070-2503-8
Discusses why people commit suicide, how to deal with the various emotions caused by the suicide of someone you know, how to help someone suicidal, religious issues, and popular misconceptions about suicide.
Understanding suicide : a national epidemic by Connie Goldsmith
Call Number: 362.28 GOL
ISBN: 978-1-46778570-9
Suicide is among the top three causes of death for young people ages 15 to 24. In fact, this global epidemic claims 41,000 lives per year in the United States alone. Suicide touches people of all ages--from those who consider and attempt suicide to those who lose a loved one to suicide. Yet silence often surrounds these deaths and makes suicide difficult to understand. Looking beyond common myths and misconceptions, author Connie Goldsmith examines common risk factors and covers warning signs, ways to reach out to a suffering loved one, and precautions that can save lives. And survivors' personal stories offer honest examinations of both grief and hope.
Coping with teen suicide by James M. Murphy
Call Number: 362.28 MUR
ISBN: 0-8239-2824-1
Explains the causes and consequences of suicide and suggests ways of dealing with problems, preventing suicide, and coping with the suicide of a loved one.
Teens and suicide by Cherese Cartlidge
Call Number: 362.28 CAR
ISBN: 978-1-68282-131-2
Teens and Suicide examines the nature of teen suicide, what causes it, what it is like to live with it, and how or whether it can be treated or cured.