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Paul Cuffee School Library: History of Identity Resources

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Resources for History of Identity project: Social/political movement/protest


Check for Bias and Fact

  • Fact - monitors the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players from the Annenberg Public Policy Center.
  • Media Bias Fact Check - check the credibility and bias over 7800 media sources. Evaluating new sources all the time!
  • Snopes - the internet’s go-to source for discerning what is true and what is rumor. See what is trending in news, politics, and entertainment.
  • VerifyThis - helps distinguish between true and false information on the web. A VERIFY story consists of four key elements: the claim, the sources, the explanation and the answer.
  • PolitiFact - check the latest news and information with Politifact's "Truth-O-Meter."