These databases have been selected because they will be most helpful for your research topic. You can also see a full list of available databases at the EWG LibGuide Home:
Facts on File
Four separate databases: American History, Modern World History, U.S. Government, Issues and Controversies in American History
Click on History Study Center, an online resource providing a vast collection of digitized primary and secondary sources for the study of history. It is suitable for a wide range of users, from high school students looking for quick and reliable facts on a historical topic, to researchers examining hard-to-find primary source texts.
History Study Center covers global history from ancient times to the present day. Contents include reference books, essays, journal articles, historical newspaper and magazine articles, maps, rare books, government documents, transcripts of historical speeches, images and video clips. Study Units offer editorially selected material on over 500 historical topics.
AskRI - EBSCOHost - History Reference Center
History Reference Center offers full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias and non-fiction books, cover to cover full text for more than 150 leading history periodicals, nearly 57,000 historical documents, more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures, more than 113,000 historical photos and maps, and more than 80 hours of historical video.
Database Passwords - make sure you are signed into google for access