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Grade 11 History Research Paper - EWG LibGuides: Finding Websites

WebPath Express

WebPath Express is an Internet search feature of RICAT.  WebPath Express searches over 70,000 websites that have been pre-selected as trustworthy and credible.

To access WebPath Express go to RICAT and click on the link in the left column.

Evaluating Websites

Adapted from

Why bother to evaluate web sites?

Why Evaluate Websites?

You need to be critical—even suspicious—when searching for information on the Internet, also called the “Free Web.” To learn why, read the facts below.

  • Anyone can post anything at anytime on the Internet. The Web is populated with an abundance of unreliable and inaccurate information.
  • People who publish on the Web have an agenda. Be particularly suspicious of .com sites, which are trying to sell you something.
  • Only a small number of scholarly journals and books are available in full text on the Internet. Most scholarly journal articles are accessible from subscription databases; most scholarly books, both print and eBook, are located within library collections.
  • Navigating the vast amount of information available on the Internet can be overwhelming. Only a small percentage of search results generally are relevant.
  • Many websites require you to log on—and pay a fee—to gain access.

"Lesson 12: Reviews." Lesson 12: Reviews. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2012. <>.