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Central Falls High School Library: Research Resources


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Find out more about People, Places, Science, Math, History, Government, Sports and More! Find out more about People, Places, Science, Math, History, Government, Sports and More! Look for information in magazines and encyclopedia articles written specifically for you. One-to-one online help with a certified tutor - open every day from 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm Indexing and abstracts for over 270 periodicals, with topics including assessment,current research, curriculum development, elementary education, language arts, literacy standards, school administration, and teacher education Indexing and abstracts for over 270 periodicals, with topics including assessment,current research, curriculum development, elementary education, language arts, literacy standards, school administration, and teacher education Indexing and abstracts for over 270 periodicals, with topics including assessment,current research, curriculum development, elementary education, language arts, literacy standards, school administration, and teacher educationPoints of View

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This online science resource offers elementary, middle, or high school level science resources including lesson plans, class activities, and research projects among the site’s 5,000 pages of illustrated life science, earth science, physical science, biology, anatomy and ecology for K-12.