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Arlington Library Catalog

Acceptable Use Policy

An Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) states the rules for students using technology at school.  

"It is a privilege, not a right, to use the CPSnet and the information resources found on the network and on the internet." 

The Cranston Public School's AUP reminds students of Acceptable Use of Technology:

1.  Personal Safety:  Keep personal information private

2.  Illegal Activities:  Obey school rules and the law when online

3.  Security:  Keep passwords private and avoid computer viruses

4.  Language:  Use appropriate language online

5.  Respect Privacy:  Keep personal information private

6.   Respect Resource Limits:  Use school computers for educational purposes only

7.  Plagiarism and Copyright:  Put it in your own words, cite your sources

8.  Access to Material:  Only use appropriate information and only for valid reasons

School Librarian and Media Specialist

Profile Photo
Tara Manion
160 Shaw Ave
Cranston, RI

Arlington Library Policies

Library Hours 



Service Policy

  • Arlington Library services the information needs for everyone in our learning community.

  • Books are expected to be returned by the due date.

  • Lost and damaged books need to be replaced with same or paid for.

  • Interlibrary loans are available to all library patrons. See Mrs. Hughes for details.

Interlibrary Loan