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Arlington School Library: AskRI

Learning Express Library


  • School Center - The resources here can help students prepare for important tests, get extra help with assignments, and boost their skills in important subjects.

  • College Prep Center - Getting into college is an important step to building a strong future. But first, you need to do well on your college admission tests and write a personal essay that highlights your special talents.

  • High School Equivalency Center - There is now a new GED® test and also two other tests that can lead to your high school equivalency credential.

  • Career Center - Are you preparing for a professional exam? Are you curious about a particular occupation or looking to improve your workplace skills?

  • College Center - If you need to strengthen your fundamental academic skills for your courses, prepare for an important placement test, or ensure a top score on a graduate school entrance exam, the resources here can help you reach your goal.

  • Adult Learning Center - This center offers busy adults the resources to improve their basic skills, earn a GED® Test credential, or become a U.S. citizen. 

  • Recursos en español tambien!

World Book Online


World Book Online has the following 12 products that you can use for free:

  1. Kids - content and tools for young students

  2. Student - thousands of articles for elementary/middle school students

  3. Advanced - powerful reference tool for high school students

  4. Dramatic Learning - readings of plays

  5. Academic - resource for researchers at the university level

  6. Discover - differentiated instruction for individuals reading below grade level and ELLs

  7. Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos - excellent editorial content, rich media, and interactive features in Spanish

  8. Hispanica Saber Gran Enciclopedia Hispanica - comprehensive Spanish-language encyclopedia

  9. Early World of Learning - resouces to help preschoolers and primary grade students - stories, nursery rhymes, songs

  10. Early Peoples - information on all ancient civilizations

  11. Inventions & Discoveries - reference materials in many disciplines including medicine, architecture and engineering to name a few

  12. Living Green - contains articles on alternative energies, pollution, food production and more

Mango - Learn a Language


Choose from 60 Languages!

Mango is an online language-learning system that can help you learn languages like Spanish, French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Mandarin Chinese, Greek, Italian and more.

You can track your progress by creating a profile. All you need is a public library card.




EBSCO is a comprehensive bundle of databases:

  • AtoZ Databases - Premier Marketing and Reference Database
  • History Reference Center
  • Novelist - Search for book titles by age/genre. Find read-a-likes
  • Consumer Health Complete - Drug & Herb information, Encyclopedias & Reference Books, Fact Sheets & Pamphlets
  • Student Research Center - Grades 9-12
  • KidSearch - Grades 4-8
  • Searchasaurus - Grades K-3
  • Auto Repair Reference Center
  • Points of View - Understand the full scope of controversial subjects
  • Reference USA - Business & Residential Information
  • Biography Collection Complete
  • Literary Reference Center

Heritage Quest


Find your ancestors through census data,

books, and other genealogy records for FREE!

Enter your 3 digit area code plus your 5 digit zip code (e.g. 40102920)


  • Search Census - Find ancestors in the complete set of U.S. Federal Census images from 1790-1940, including name indexes for many years.

  • Search Books - Find information on people and places described in over 28,000 family and local histories.

  • Search PERSI Archive - Find information about people and places from this index of over 2.3 million genealogy and local history articles (1800-2009).

  • Search Revolutionary War - Search selected records from the Revolutionary War Era Pension & Bounty-Land Warrant Appliction Files