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Edward S. Rhodes Library: Digital Citizenship

Welcome to the Edward S. Rhodes Library website!

Digital Citizenship

Be a Good Digital Citizen

Common Sense Media Video: What is Digital Citizenship? 

Nearpod Video:  Digital Citizen Superhero via Clever Login 

THINK Online

Digital Citizenship is all about

THINKing before you act online.  

Grade 3: Common Sense Media Lessons


Grade 4: Common Sense Media Lessons

The Acceptable Use Policy

An Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) states the rules for students using technology at school.  

"It is a privilege, not a right, to use the CPSnet and the information resources found on the network and on the internet." 


The Cranston Public School's AUP reminds students of Acceptable Use of Technology:

1.  Personal Safety:  Keep private information offline

2.  Illegal Activities:  Obey school rules and the law when online

3.  Security:  Keep passwords private and report computer viruses

4.  Communication:  Be polite, kind, and respectful to others online

5.  Respect Privacy:  Only access your own account and files

6.   Respect Resource Limits:  Use school computers for educational purposes only

7.  Plagiarism and Copyright:  Put it in your own words, cite your sources

8.  Access to Material:  Only use appropriate information and only for valid reasons


Grade 3 Video: 


Grade 4 Video:


Grade 5 Video:

Grade 5: Common Sense Media Lessons

Standards & Credits

Library Standards 

Demonstrate Civic Responsibility, Respect for Diverse Perspectives, Collaboration, and Digital Citizenship

Standard 3.3:  Information-fluent learners demonstrate digital citizenship by maintaining ethical decision making and behavior and avoiding the spread of misinformation in the exchange and use of information.

Engage in Personal Exploration, Social and Emotional Growth, Independent Reading and Learning, and Personal Agency

Standard 4.1:  Information-fluent learners use information and ideas presented in any format to reflect on and pursue personal interests, develop strengths, and engage in personalized and independent learning.

CPS ISTE Standards 

Digital Citizen/Footprint

Standard 5.7 Digital Rights & Responsibilities  

Standard 5.8 Digital Health & Wellness 


Lesson plans and resources from the Digital Citizenship Curriculum.