How do I show digital citizenship?
An Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) states the rules for students using technology at school. The Cranston Public School's AUP (go to p. 26) reminds students of Acceptable Use of Technology:
1. Personal Safety: Keep personal information private
2. Illegal Activities: Obey school rules and the law when online
3. Security: Keep passwords private and avoid computer viruses
4. Language: Use appropriate language online
5. Respect Privacy: Keep personal information private
6. Respect Resource Limits: Use school computers for educational purposes only
7. Plagiarism and Copyright: Put it in your own words, cite your sources
8. Access to Material: Only use appropriate information and only for valid reasons
"It is a privilege, not a right, to use the CPSnet and the information resources found on the network and on the internet."
Image from
AASL: I.B.3 - Generate products that illustrate learning; III.A.2 - Develop new understandings through engagement in a learning group; III.D.1 - Actively contribute to group discussions; V.B.1 - Problem solving through cycles of design, implementation, and reflection.
Rhode Island Core: SL4.1 - Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions.
Rhode Island Cross-Curricular Proficiencies: Communication - Communicate understanding and interpretation of information; Practice responsible digital citizenship as a community member; Problem Solving and Critical Thinking - Generate options and provide reasoning for a plan or approach to solve a problem.
Rhode Island School Library Curriculum Priority Skills: 3.2 - Actively contributes to group discussions; 3.3 - Demonstrates basic cybersafety.
CPS ISTE Standards
Digital Citizen/Footprint
Standard 5.7 Digital Rights & Responsibilities
Standard 5.8 Digital Health & Wellness