All you have to do to vote in the RICBA election in February is read three of the twenty books on the list. See below for plot summaries and links to book trailers. After you finish a book, if you would like extra credit, submit a form to Ms. Moore with a super short summary and your opinion about it. You can use the paper form at school or this online form from any computer.
In class, we will read at least one of the picture books nominated and practice our summarizing skills.
Click the icon below to go to the Cranston Public Library (CPL) online catalog. Use your library card number to request books; the system will email you when they're ready for you to pick up.
You can also borrow e-books and download audiobooks from home, either through CPL or Sora ... scroll to the bottom of the page to click directly on Sora e-books!
2023: Allergic
2022: The Oldest Student
2021: Titan and the Wild Boars
2020: Inky's Amazing Escape
2019: Sergeant Reckless
2018: Wish
2017: Sisters
2016: El Deafo
2015: Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library
Thanks to Carolyn Steward of Oak Lawn Elementary School for her help creating this page.
AASL: I.B.3 - Generate products that illustrate learning; III.D.1 - Actively contributing to group discussions; V.A.1 - Read widely and deeply in multiple formats and write and create for a variety of purposes.
CASEL: 1E - I recognize that everyone, including me, has certain biases or preference.
Rhode Island Core: RI.3.2 - Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea; RI.4/5.2 - Summarize a text; SL.3.2 - Determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud; SL.4/5.2 - Summarize a written text read aloud
Rhode Island Cross-Curricular Proficiencies: Communication - Identify relevant information, communicate understanding and interpretation of information, summarize information, present information and ideas coherently
Rhode Island School Library Curriculum Priority Skills: 1.1 - States the main idea with some supporting details, Develops own opinion about a topic with evidence to support the opinion; 2.1 - Discusses the main idea or theme of a story; 4.1 - Demonstrates motivation to read and learn on own