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Garden City School Library: Grade 5 Planet Research

Find Information in the Encyclopedia

Type the name of your planet and press Search. A results page will appear. Click on your planet's name in blue. You will probably also see an entry for the god with the same name; click on that next. Information for your bibliography is located at the bottom of the page. NOTE: If the Kids article doesn't have the information you need, click on the World Book Student link at the end of the article.

Find Information in a Book

We have books about many of the planets under call # 523. If you can't find the one you need here, just log into the catalog (user name - CGNlunch#, password - date of birth MMDDYY) and request one from another library.

Watch a Video - TMBG

Add Images to Your Presentation

Ms. Moore has downloaded images of your planets for you. Here is how to get them into your PPTs:

1. Right-click the image.

2. Select "Save Image As ..."

3. A window will appear with all available places to save the file. Find your flash drive and save it there.











Images downloaded from

Find PLANET Information On Web Sites

Find Information On Web Sites

Find ROMAN GOD Information On Web Sites

Listen to Music Inspired by the Planets

If you ask, Ms. Moore might hum "Jupiter, Bringer of Jollity" for you.