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William R. Dutemple School Library: Plagiarism

About Plagiarism

According to Webster's Dictionary, plagiarism is "the act of using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person".  It is very important to avoid plagiarism in all of your work.  Use the information on this page to learn how to avoid plagiarism and properly give credit to your sources. 

definition citation: "Plagiarism." Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2013.

Plagiarism Video

Click on the picture above to watch a video that will help you understand plagiarism. 

Avoiding plagiarism, understanding plagiarism. CENGAGE Learning. Questia,

Online Grammar & Plagiarism Checker

Use Grammarly to check your work for plagiarism. 

Academic Plagiarism

High schools, colleges, and univeristies take plagiarism very seriously.  Click on the links below to read real academic policies on plagiarism. 

Rhode Island College's Policies on Academic Honesty

URI's Report form for Plagiarism Incidents

Bryant University's Academic Policies and Procedures

CCRI's Policy on Academic Integrity

Brown University's Academic Code

What is Plagiarism and How To Avoid It

Citation: What is plagiarism and how to avoid it. Brock University Library, 2 Sept. 2014. YouTube,

How To Tell if You are Plagiarizing

EasyBib Grammar & Plagiarism Infographic:

For more information try EasyBib Grammar & Plagiarism:

Whose Is It Anyway?

Watch this video about the reponsible use of online content:

 Citation: Whose Is It Anyway? Common Sense Education, 3 July 2013. YouTube,

Understanding Plagiarism

Visit the sites below for additional information about plagiarism. - Includes information about plagiarism, how to avoid it, and how to cite your sources. - Excellent article explaining plagiarism.  Includes a plagiarism checklist

The Purdue OWL Writing Lab's Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism

Free Online Citation Creators

Use the free online citation creators below to generate and save citations for all types of sources.


Real World Examples of Plagiarism

Click here to read a list of real examples of plagiarism and its consequences. 

Click here to read about famous examples of plagiarism.

Click here to read about 10 famous cases of alleged music plagiarism.

How much do you really know about plagiarism?

Click on the picture below to test your knowledge about plagiarism.  This interactive tutorial was created by the Vaughn Memorial Library at Acadia University in Canada. 

Plagiarism Pretest

Plagiarism Pretest Answer Key

Plagiarism Tutorial

Click on Plagiarism Tutorial to take a tutorial by the University of Southern Mississippi that helps you avoid plagiarism by providing examples of how to properly include information from other sources in your paper or presentation.