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Woodridge Research Projects: Revolutionary War Biographies

Revolutionary War History Makers

Ladies First: Revolutionary War Heroines

And "Gentle"men: Revolutionary War Heroes

Research Assignment

Use books and approved websites to find information about a Revolutionary War History Maker.  Be sure to use your graphic organizer to find the following information:

  • General Biographical Information:  
    • Birth - Death:  When & Where? 
    • Family:  Parents, siblings, spouse, children
    • Education:  Schooling, Apprenticeships, Subjects
    • Occupation:  Jobs, Career, Skills 
  • Contribution to the Revolutionary War: 
    • How did he/she contribute? 
    • Why was this important? 
    • What effect did it have? 

Online Encyclopedia

History Reference Database

History Reference Center

Books from Our Catalog

Look for gereral American History and Revolutionary War Books at Dewey Decimal Number 973 in the Nonfcition section of our library.  Biographies of specific people will be shared from a bin in your classroom; at all other times they would be shelved in the Biography section of our library in alphabetical order by the person's last name.  

Here are a few books about the Revolutionary War in general:


CCSs for Reading Informational Text 7 - 8

Students will read for integration of knowledge and ideas.

CCSs for Writing 7 - 9

Students will research to build and present knowledge.

GSEs for Earth and Space Science 5 - 8

Students will understand the characteristics of the Solar System. 

AAS Library Standards 1, 3

Students will inquire, think, critically, and gain knowledge.

Students will share  knowledge and participate ethically and productively.