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Woodridge Research Projects: Planets Think Tac Toe

What are eclipses?

Draw and label diagrams of lunar and solar eclipses.  Explain the difference between the two.



World Book Student provides a great video of this! 

What are asteroids and meteoriods?

Create a Venn Diagram that clearly compares and contrasts asteroids and meteoroids.  Then write a paragraph comparing/contrasting them.  Include pictures.    

Learn about asteroids with potatoes at 

NASA's Space Place: Asteroids

Learn about meteroids at 

NASA's Space Place: Meteor Showers

What is a star?

Create a diagram highlighting the physical attributes of stars.  Include text descriptions and pictures. 

The National Earth Science Teacher's Association  

Windows to the Universe

provides information about stars. 

Which constellation interests you?

Research constellations and choose one.  Tell about its history, how it got its name and where it is in the night sky.  Include text and pictures. 


Use this link for really cool interactive info about the Constellations.

Create a Planet PowerPoint Presentation!

Create a PowerPoint about a Planet.

Think Tac Toe designed by

Mrs. Kiley & Mrs. Almonte. 

LibGuide & Resources prepared by Mrs. Basso

What causes the seasons to change?

Create a diagram that explains what causes the seasons to change.  

Include text and pictures. 


Use this link for interactives about the seasons.

What are the phases of the moon?

Research the phases of the moon and create a diagram that shows the phases in the correct order.  Include a written explanation of each phase. 


NASA uses Oreo's to explain the moon phases. Click this link for more about the Earth, Moon, & Sun

What causes day and night?

Create a diagram that explains what causes the day and night.  

Include text and pictures. 




 Day & Night StudyJams 

video explains it all.

What technologies are used to study the night sky?

Research one technology used to research the night sky.  Write a paragraph describing it and include labelled pictures. 

In World Book Student, look for "Modern Astronomy."