What is plagiarism, and how can I avoid it?
AASL: I.B.3 - Generate products that illustrate learning; III.A.2 - Develop new understandings through engagement in a learning group; III.D.1 - Actively contribute to group discussions; V.B.1 - Problem solving through cycles of design, implementation, and reflection; VI - Demonstrate safe, legal, and ethical creating and sharing of knowledge products.
Rhode Island Core: SL4.1 - Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions; SL4.2. - Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats
Rhode Island Cross-Curricular Proficiencies: Communication - Communicate understanding and interpretation of information; Problem Solving and Critical Thinking - Implement a plan or process of approach using tools and information.
Rhode Island School Library Curriculum Priority Skills: 3.2 - Actively contributes to group discussions; 3.3 - Uses strategies to avoid plagiarizing by summarizing, paraphrasing, quoting, and crediting the information used.