How can I protect my information and online accounts with a strong password?
One way to pick a hard password is to come up with a phrase and then use the first letter of each word in that phrase. For example: My family likes to hike in the fall: mfl2hitF
AASL: I.B.3 - Generate products that illustrate learning; III.A.2 - Develop new understandings through engagement in a learning group; III.D.1 - Actively contribute to group discussions; V.B.1 - Problem solving through cycles of design, implementation, and reflection.
Rhode Island Core: SL4.1 - Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions.
Rhode Island Cross-Curricular Proficiencies: Communication - Communicate understanding and interpretation of information; Practice responsible digital citizenship as a community member; Problem Solving and Critical Thinking - Generate options and provide reasoning for a plan or approach to solve a problem.
Rhode Island School Library Curriculum Priority Skills: 3.2 - Actively contributes to group discussions; 3.3 - Demonstrates basic cybersafety.