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Matunuck Elementary School Library: Keyboarding

Dance Mat Typing

This is a fun, free program for kids on the internet. Once in a while

it can be a little "glitchy" and when the child types on a key, nothing happens.

First try pressing "Esc" button. If that does not fix it, hit the refresh/reload button.

This will start the child again at the beginning of the section they were typing in,

but this just provides a little more typing practice- not a bad thing! Fortunately, it doesn't happen too often.

Typing Club

Typing Pal

All students have accounts with Typing Pal. Typing pal allows students to save their progress. It is a little more of a "serious" typing program, possibly better to use with older students who already have begun typing with a more "child-friendly" program such as BBC DanceMat Typing. Different children prefer different programs.

How to sign-in to Typing Pal:

South Kingstown has a subscription to Typing Pal. This is available to students via their g-mail accounts. Using this program enables students to track their typing speed/accuracy over time to see the progress they have made.

Please see the attached pdf (above) for instructions on how students can access Typing Pal.

Part of logging in will require students to enter their g-mail account username/password, which can be done as follows:

To login to student gmail accounts

Username: first initial, last name, year of graduation


Password:   last name, 2017

ex: doe2017