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Westerly High School Library: Atomic Bomb

Wonder/Connect, Question/Focus, Investigate/Learn, Prepare/Analyze/Synthesize, Express/Create/Communicate, Reflect/Assess

Atomic Bomb

Image result for atomic bomb

Assignment Outline

US History – World War II

Directions: For this assignment, you will use the internet to explore some of the

controversy around the use of the atomic bomb.

  •  First, you have up to 2 class periods to read several websites and consider arguments both for and against the use of the atomic bomb from three different perspectives.
  •  Then, on day 3, you will use the information you find to write an essay that argues your position on the issue as the most sensible choice.
  •  Your essay should include reasoning and evidence from your research to support your position.
  •  You should also consider competing views in your essay and explain why these views are flawed or why they aren’t strong enough to change your position.
  •  In your conclusion, emphasize why your topic is important, summarize your arguments, and restate your position as the most sensible choice.

Why the Atomic Bomb was Dropped (Peter Jennings)

Print Sources and Access

Note: To be able to open an e-book from the WHS catalog (Destiny), you must either download the Destiny Quest App (See bottom box)  or sign in to Destiny (your username will be  wps(plus your cafeteria number - no space) Example - wps12345. Your password will be your birth date dd/mm/year. Example - May 12, 2002=12/5/2001 Note: if your month is a single digit, you do not have to to use a zero in front of it.

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Image result for gale us history in context

Image result for gale us opposing viewpoints

Atomic bombing of Nagasaki