Note: To be able to open an e-book from the WHS catalog (Destiny), you must either download the Destiny Quest App (See bottom box) or sign in to Destiny (your username will be wps(plus your cafeteria number - no space) Example - wps12345. Your password will be your birth date dd/mm/year. Example - May 12, 2002=12/5/2001 Note: if your month is a single digit, you do not have to to use a zero in front of it.
Take advantage of the print sources our library has to offer. Found on the last shelf by the windows, browse through the 973 section to discover books and topics or take a look at this list to get an idea of where you could look. Don’t forget that you can search titles, subjects, and keywords in our catalog!
The 973 of any Dewey Decimal system is where you will find most of information on U.S. History. You’ll notice that there are often numbers after a decimal, these numbers can tell you more about the book.
973.1 is very early history, before the 17th century.
973.2 is the colonial period.
973.3 usually covers periods between 1775 and 1789
973.4 is the period of the Revolutionary War and the constitution
973.5 goes until about the mid 19th century
973.6 1845-1861
973.7 Is where you’ll find Lincoln and the Civil War
973.8 covers the Reconstruction Era
937.9 Is where you’ll find any information on U.S. History beginning in 1900. In this section especially, you will notice that many of the books you’re looking for have multiple numbers after the 9. If your topic of interest focuses on anything in the 20th century, the catalog will be the most help in pointing you to the write direction.
New England History can be found in 974
Slavery specific books are 975
978 Is where you'll find books on Westward Expansion
To download the Destiny Quest App on your phone or tablet, you will need to fill in the following:
Library address:
Username: wps(plus your cafeteria number with no space between) Example: wps12345
Password: Your birthdate like this - dd/mm/year (eg May 12, 2001 = 12/5/2002) or June 29, 2002 = 29/6/2002. And yes, type it day slash month slash year. NB: You do not need to add a zero before a single digit number!