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Westerly High School Library
Westerly High School Library
Mr. Nichols' Social Psychology
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Westerly High School Library: Mr. Nichols' Social Psychology
Wonder/Connect, Question/Focus, Investigate/Learn, Prepare/Analyze/Synthesize, Express/Create/Communicate, Reflect/Assess
Databases and other resources
Research Skills
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Instructional VIDEOS for using Databases
Fact-checking Sites
Books & Reading
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Summer Reading Suggestions
Library catalog and E-Books
Teachers' Picks
The Great American Read
Advantages of Reading
The Library 100
Social Studies
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U.S. History
Atomic Bomb
Modern Day Topics
Andrew Jackson VS...
Genetic Disorders
World History Research
AP Psychology
Mr. Nichols' Social Psychology
Rhode Island Life
Great Depression
Women's Studies
Calley Trial
Sacco and Vanzetti Trial
Dred Scott Trial
Civics - Life Skills
Ukraine Crisis
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Ms. Corah
Sophomore Independent Project
Ethics of Public Health Decisions
Decades Research
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Digital Learning/Teaching
Teaching Tools
Resources for lessons
Resources for teaching anti-racism
Media Literacy
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Fake News
Website know-how
Social Media
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Civics in a Democracy
Is Democracy Dead?
America's Political Climate
Generation Gap
WHS Archive
Citing Sources
Analyzing and Evaluating Media
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Databases and Online Resources
RI School Library Curriculum Guide
2024 RI Teen Book Award Nominees
WHS101 - Library Orientation
Bulldog Book Club
Cellphone Addiction
Transformation of man into smartphone slave.
The Smartphone Effect
The relationship between addiction to smartphone usage and depression among adults: a cross sectional study
The brave blue world: Facebook flow and Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD)
Technology Addiction
Take This Job and Unplug it.
Smartphone Addiction and Application Usage iin Korean Adolescents: Effects of Mediation Strategies
Screen Time, How Much is Too Much? The Social and Emotional Costs of Technology on the Adolescent Brain A Dissertation
Psychological Impact of Social Networking Sites
Proposed Diagnostic Criteria for Smartphone Addiction
Permanently online and permanently connected: Development and validation of the Online Vigilance Scale
Impact of Impulsiveness on Mobile Phone Addiction
Gender differences in factors associated with smartphone addiction: a crosssectional study among medical college students
Do You Need a Digital Detox? Spoiler Alert: Definitely Yes!
Development of Korean Smartphone Addiction Proneness Scale for Youth
Depression, anxiety, and smartphone addiction in university students- A cross sectional study
Assessment of the accuracy of a new tool for the screening of smartphone addiction
Are You Hooked on Your Phone?
Answering the missed call: Initial exploration of cognitive and electrophysiological changes associated with smartphone use and abuse
An Investigation on Changing Behaviours of University Students Switching from Using Classical Cell Phones to Smartphones
Personality Traits Predict Smartphone Usage
The Impact Of Social Networking: A Study Of The Influence Of Smartphones On College Students
Has your smartphone replaced your brain? Construction and validation of the Extended Mind Questionnaire (XMQ)
The distracted student mind — enhancing its focus and attention.
Phones in the classroom hurt everyone's grades: In classes where devices are allowed, students do worse on exams
Adolescents with a smartphone sleep less than their peers.
Association between mobile technology use and child adjustment in early elementary school age
Direct Measurements of Smartphone Screen-Time: Relationships with Demographics and Sleep
Gait parameters are differently affected by concurrent smartphone-based act.
Intraocular pressure change during reading or writing on smartphone
Overnight smartphone use: A new public health challenge? A novel study design based on high resolution smartphone data
Relationship among smartphone addiction, age, lack of sleep, fear of missing out and social networking sites use among high school students
Taking a Call Is Facilitated by the Multisensory Processing of Smartphone Vibrations, Sounds, and Flashes
The Truth About Smartphone Addiction
Trading smartphone time for sleep Your loss Teens are logging more time on electronic devices and sleeping less data show
AP Psychology
Rhode Island Life >>