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Westerly High School Library: Calley Trial

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Lt. Calley Trial

My Lai Massacre at 50: Inside the William Calley Trial | Time


The Vietnam War on trial : the My Lai massacre and the court-martial of Lieutenant Calley  343.73 BEL


Great American trials From Salem Witchcraft to Rodney King     
   C all #: 347 GRE PB Edward W. Knappman, Edit

Lietenant Calley : his own story   959.7 CAL

The forgotten hero of My Lai : the Hugh Thompson story  959.704 ANG

 Four hours in My Lai    959.704 BIL

Facing My Lai : moving beyond the massacre  959.704 FAC

My Lai : A report on the massacre and its aftermath  959.704 HER

My Lai : A brief history with documents   959.704 OLS

Cover image
My Lai 4 : A Report on the Massacre and Its Afterrmath     959.704 HER

Famous Trials in History     347 CAW