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Burrillville High School Library: Databases

Usernames and Passwords

PLEASE NOTE: Some of the resources on this page require a username and password. Click on the link below for this information.

EBSCOhost Database Descriptions

Database Search Strategies: Library Media Specialist Tutorials

EBSCO Databases


CultureGrams allows you to easily research the countries of the world. This resource requires a username and password to use at home.

Exploring Nature

Learn more about life, earth, and physical science topics in this database. This resource requires a username and password to use at home.


This database contains articles, biographies, videos, diagrams and more to help you to learn more about science topics. Subject areas included: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Forensic Science, Marine Science, Mathematics, Physics, Space and Astronomy, and Weather and Climate. The database also features a science dictionary and a conversion calculator.

You will need a username and password to access this database at home.

Articles on a wide range of science topics!


Britannica School is an encyclopedia source, and it also includes primary source documents. 


ImageQuest allows you to search millions of rights-cleared images to use in your work.

Both of these resources require a username and password to use at home.

World Book

The World Book encyclopedias are a great starting place for research. You can also find primary source documents and even e-books here!

When you follow this link, you will be asked to choose a product. For most research, choose Advanced, which is designed for high school students.

You may need either a library barcode number or a username and password to use this resource at home. If you have a public library card, you can enter your number; otherwise, see the Usernames and Passwords section of this page for login information.