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East Greenwich High School - Mangiaratti: Industry of the Late 19th Century

Research Resources - Industry of the Late 19th Century

Assignment Purpose:

  • To research 19th Century Industries using the EGHS Library resources.
  • To work independently to create a well-development product.  
  • To communicate the success and failures of these evolving industries.


  • Your project should address the following four main points:  Leading Figure, Positive Impact of the Industry, Negative Impact of the Industry and Evolution of the Industry.
  • Your project will be presented to your peers in the form of an infographic as a digital art gallery. Your classmates will take notes on your infographic's content so accuracy, clarity and conciseness are required.
  • Correct MLA citation of your sources at the bottom of your infographic.  Utilize NoodleTools to accurately cite your sources.


  • You will have three-four class periods to research and create your infographic, collaborate with your peers and to edit your final product.

Getting Started with NoodleTools

Copying Your Works Cited into Your Infographic

Printing Works Cited from NoodleTools Step 1

1.  Log in to your NoodleTools account.  Select the Sources tab at the top.

2.  Hover your cursor over the Print/Export button from the Sources toolbar.  Select Print/Export to Google Docs.

Printing Works Cited from NoodleTools Step2

3. NoodleTools will automatically create a new Google Doc that is saved immediately in your Google Drive.  The title of the document will start with "Sources for PROJECT TITLE."

Copy the citations on the Google Doc and paste into a text book on your Infographic.

Creating Infographics

What is an Infographic?

An infographic is a collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic. Infographics use striking, engaging visuals to communicate information quickly and clearly.

The Anatomy of an Infographic: 5 Steps to Create a Powerful Visual 

Instructions for Submitting Your PiktoChart Infographic to Your Teacher

Instructions for Sharing Your Infographic with Your Teacher

  1. Create your Infographic using Piktochart. Make sure you included your source (in correct MLA format) at the bottom of the image.
  2. Name your Infographic.  In the Piktochart program, click on the pencil in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.  Follow the naming protocol: INDUSTRY TITLE - Your Last Name and Your First Name.Piktochart Download settings
  3. DOWNLOAD the Infographic.  Select DOWNLOAD in the upper right-hand corner of the Piktochart program. Use the settings described in this image:
  4. The image will be saved to your downloads folder on your device.  Attach the image file to the Google Form below.


Click on the image below to upload your Infographic File to the Class Google Form.Industry Infographic Upload