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Narragansett High School Library: Political Ideology and the Ninja Turtles

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Political Ideology and the Ninja Turtles


What is a political ideology?

A political ideology is an organized set of beliefs about politics, public purpose, and public policy. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party each have their own clearly defined political ideologies.

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Libertarianism is a political theory that is based on the supremacy of the rights of the individual and that advocates a minimal role for the government as a protector of those rights. Libertarians believe that they should be allowed to do whatever they want, free of legal restraints, as long as they do not infringe on the rights of others.


MLA Citation

"Libertarianism." American Government, ABC-CLIO, 2023, Accessed 10 Oct. 2023.

Democratic Socialist

Democratic Socialism                                                                       

Democratic socialism is an economic system managed by democratically elected leaders. The government plays the dominant role in regulating the economy, thereby eradicating class differences and fluctuations in the market. Democratic socialists do not favor the abolition of private property, although they generally support the nationalization of some large-scale industries.


MLA Citation

"Democratic Socialism." American Government, ABC-CLIO, 2023, Accessed 10 Oct. 2023.



Conservatism is a philosophy of government that favors the maintenance of existing organizations. Generally, conservatives are pragmatic and emphasize free enterprise capitalism, strict law and order, minimal economic intervention by the government, and national traditions.


MLA Citation

"Conservatism." American Government, ABC-CLIO, 2023, Accessed 10 Oct. 2023.



The opposite of conservatism, liberalism is a political ideology based on support for civil rights, tolerance for social and political change, and the advocacy of government action to improve individuals' welfare. Liberals also favor international cooperation and government regulation of business.


MLA Citation

"Liberalism." American Government, ABC-CLIO, 2023, Accessed 10 Oct. 2023.

Salem Press eBooks