Read each and complete the following tasks.
Conduct a search using the library's online catalog for a book on a topic of your interest. Write down the title of the book you found.
Find out how many books were nominated for the 2020 Rhode Island Teen Book Award.
Go to the Proquest tab and locate CultureGrams. Then, find Sri Lanka by clicking on the map. Once you have found Sri Lanka, find two interesting facts about the country.
Go to the ASKRI tab and find World Book Encyclopedia. Find one fact and one image of a snowy owl.
Find Classroom Video On Demand . Click on the Classroom Video On Demand icon and log in with the username and password. Using the search bar, find a video that is 1 minute and 56 seconds long that has to do with troubled coral reefs. Watch the video for 30 seconds.
Find the tab that has you go to Narragansett High School's website. Then, go to the high school's website and find the fax number for the high school.
Go to the Social Studies/History tab and click on Major Battles of the American Revolution. Click on the database called Explora, then select the database called Explora for Primary Schools. At the search bar, find an article about the Battle of Bunker Hill.
Find out the library's hours.
What tab has Mrs. Gongoleski's photo?
Complete the survey below.