Early U.S. History Research Paper #2: Inventions
Choose any invention invented in the United States up until 1900. Your written response should include the following items:
- What the invention does: Clearly explain what the invention does and how it can be used. Is it used for communication, transportation, food, medicine, science, or something else? Why was it invented?
- When was it invented: Give the date of the invention, and the date of the patent (if appropriate).
- Who invented it: Who was the inventor? When did this inventor live, how was this inventor educated, where did he/she live? If you can find out, tell why the inventor wanted to invent the invention. Did this inventor invent other things?
- What other inventions led up to this invention: Describe the earlier inventions that led to this invention. For example, the electric arc light preceded and led to the invention of the incandescent light.
- Changes: Describe how the invention has changed over time.
- The importance of the invention: Explain why the invention is important. Has it saved lives, helped transportation, simplified communication, increased the food supply, or is it simply fun? Has it been improved upon since it was invented? Did it lead to other inventions?
- Today: Describe and explain how it is used today.
- Your take: Describe how the invention impacts your life today.
Proper MLA Format
Creative Title Page with a picture or illustration of your invention.
3-5 pages total.
Double-spaced content
1-inch margins all around.
12 point, Times Roman font
Minimum of 3 resources