In a 4-5 page paper you will research and respond to the following prompt:
“How does Dickens use his novel, Great Expectations, as an autobiographical piece of literature? How is Pip a reflection of his younger self? What aspects of Victorian society affected Dickens so deeply that he reflected them in his work?”
For this paper you will need to complete the following:
Research in the library (Mrs. Evje will lead this 9/19,9/21,9/22,9/23)
Will need to utilize 4 secondary sources (2 databases and 2 books) in your final copy
Will need primary source support as well
Notes on each source; both quotes and paraphrased
Notes on primary source should be collected on evidence tracking graphic organizer attached
Will count as a classwork grade
A formal thesis statement
WIll count as a quiz grade
A formal outline of paper (set-up to be handed out)
Will count twice as a classroom assessment
This will act as rough draft
A final copy with a proper works cited page