As we discussed during class, the project is a story booklet about the events before, during and after World War II. You should have 48 tiles/pages all arranged in a coherent story. You may place them in a book style presentation, or if you may also place the tiles on poster boards/tri-fold poster board.
You must plan and choose your tiles carefully!! There are significant events/issues and the like that could be included and some that MUST be included. This is why YOU are at the Media Center … TO RESEARCH and find these events. The story should be balanced to incorporate all from how and why the war(s) started to the end of each war.
* You must include events before the war that added “fuel to the fire” to start the war, how the war(s) began, what countries were involved, how the US reacted with any support for the warring allies, new warfare methods and technologies, major events or plans made by the warring nations (battles), what was the role of the United States and how did they become involved, what happened on the home front, what were the roles of women, how the war(s) ended, the results of the war, and what were the settlements.
*** Please note: This project is about WWII not about the Holocaust or the Nuremburg Trials. That is a separate unit of study.
Grading will be if you have a concise flow to the story including all significant details of this period, explanation and visual of that chosen event tile, how well you presented your storyboard, the storyline, works cited page, and on time presentation to the class. Rubric to follow.