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Cranston High School West Library: Women's History Month

Malala Yousafzai - Activist for education for girls

  • An activist is someone who is not willing to let a situation go unnoticed. It is an person who feels so passionately about a topic, they just can't help doing something to learn more, to raise awareness among others, and to bring about change.
  • The Taliban is a religious (Islam) and political group that came to power in a few countries in the middle east. One of them is Pakistan where Malala lived. They enforced strict Islamic law and supported terrorism. These laws did not allow girls and women to go to school or work, and the punishments for crimes were very severe.
  • Nobel Peace Prize given to someone who goes above and beyond to bring peace to the world sometimes risking their own life.

Teens React Video (stop at 6:17)

Greta and Malala Meet 2/20

After reading the article about their meeting, answer the following questions in a Google doc and post to Classroom.

  1. Greta visited Malala at her University in England. What school was that?
  2. What did Malala post on Twitter about Greta?
  3. What did Greta call Malala in her post on social media?
  4. What do you think about these two activists?


Greta Thunberg - Activist for Climate Change

  • Climate: The average pattern of weather conditions over a long period of time. Climate isn’t weather— weather changes daily.
  • Global warming: The increase in Earth’s average temperature over a long period of time.
  • Carbon dioxide: A gas released by the burning of coal, natural gas, oil, and wood that traps heat in the atmosphere.
  • Carbon footprint: The amount of carbon dioxide one human releases into the environment in a year.
  • Fossil fuels: Coal, oil, and natural gas, which come from the breakdown of ancient plants and animals over millions of years.


Greta - Overview

Sailing to the U.S. (Stop at 2:40)

Speech (Stop at 1:00)