The library participates in interlibrary loan through RILINK (Rhode Island Library Information Network for Kids). With the exception of reference materials, all books, magazines, DVDs, and VHS tapes are available to be borrowed by patrons of all RILINK member libraries. The library adheres to the RILINK Interlibrary Loan Policy.
All items in a participating library’s collection that are generally available to the library’s local patrons must also be available through interlibrary loan
Interlibrary loan requests must be filled (or declined) as quickly as possible
Interlibrary loan requests will be filled at the discretion of the school librarian
Interlibrary loan requests may be placed by patrons or library staff, depending on the needs of individual member libraries
Materials sent to fulfill interlibrary loan requests will be circulated for a minimum of 28 days to allow ample delivery time on either end of the loan period
Maximum interlibrary loan checkouts will be determined by individual member libraries
There is no charge for interlibrary loan transactions, with the following exceptions:
requesting libraries may charge overdue fines to requesting patrons who return interlibrary loan items late
requesting libraries may be billed the replacement cost of damaged or lost interlibrary loan items at the discretion of supplying libraries
A member library’s own patron hold requests will take precedence over interlibrary loan requests for the same item
Interlibrary loan requests may not be declined based solely on a requested item’s format
Items that are specifically reserved for in-library or classroom use may be temporarily excluded from interlibrary loan as needed
Our Vision:
The focus of the Library Learning Commons will be to step away from the traditional model and improve teaching and learning through the use of the space and support from the Research and Learning Commons Specialist. The Library Learning Commons will be a space conducive to collaboration and exploration. Students will utilize the space to access resources and tools that will push them to think critically, stay connected and actively participate in their learning.
The South Kingstown School Committee has a policy on the purchasing of materials in libraries that can be accessed through the Board's website and is also linked here.
The Library Learning Commons will conduct an annual inventory check of the resources and equipment. The material will be weeded out of the system based on the following criteria: accuracy, relevancy condition and interest level. Once the material is designated to be weeded out of circulation, the school librarian will systematically remove said resources from the system. This process will include books and resources that are beyond repair.