Click below to access these FREE online resources from Ocean State Libraries.
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EBSCO Host Database EBSCOhost is an online research platform used by thousands of institutions and millions of users worldwide. With quality databases and search features like advanced search, peer-reviewed content, citation assistance, and the ability to save search results, EBSCOhost helps researchers of all kinds find the information they need fast. EBSCOhost provides access to magazines, journals, news sources, primary sources, and a variety of media and diverse subject areas.
Academic Search Elite Academic Search Elite is a scholarly resource that provides indexing and abstracts for more than 8,300 journals, with full text for more than 4,500 of those titles. PDF back files to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals.
Medline Created by the National Library of Medicine, EBSCOhost's MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical science and much more. This resource uses MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) indexing with capabilities to search citations from over 4,800 current biomedical journals.