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Burrillville High School Library: Library Policies

Burrillville School Department Library Policies


  1. You are welcome to use the library during class time (except when the library is closed) as long as you have a pass and assignment from your current teacher.

  2. You are required to sign in at all times, including before and after school, unless you come to the library with a class.

  3. You are expected to bring work with you to the library and stay on task at all times. The volume must be kept to a level that does not disturb other students who are reading or studying.

  4. You are expected to follow all BHS rules and guidelines, including the Computer and Network Acceptable Use Policy and Social Media Policy. Click to view the BHS Student/Parent Handbook.

  5. Cell phones and other electronic devices are allowed in the library as long as they do not cause a disruption or distraction to others. Calls may not be made or received in the library at any time, including before or after school.

  6. Computers are intended for academic use only. You may not play computer or Internet games or use chat or messaging services.

  7. Food and drink are not allowed near the computers. You may have water or a snack at one of the tables as long as you clean up after you are finished.

  8. When you are in the library with a class, all of your teacher's classroom rules apply.