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Chariho Middle School Library: Explorers

Explorers of North America - Internet Sites

eBooks available on North American Explorers

You can use the "Search Within" feature to look for the name of your explorer once you have opened a chapter in the table of contents. Remember there may be more than one way to spell your explorer's name. 

Sebastian Cermeno

Captain James Cook

Hernando DeSoto

Bartolomeu Dias

Pedro Menendex De Avilles

Martin Frobisher

Henry Hudson

Jean Nicollet

Fernando Pizarro

Sir Walter Raleigh

John Smith

George Vancouver


John Cabot

Christopher Columbus

Francisco Vazquez Coronado

Samuel De Champlain

Leif Eriksson (Ericson)

Juan Ponce de Leon

Louis Joliet

Ferdinand Magellan

Robert LaSalle

Pierre Espirit Radisson

Giovanni da Verranzano

Jacques Cartier

Juan Rodriquez Cabrillo

Sir Francis Drake

Hernan Cortes

Vasco Da Gama

Cabeza de Vaca

Father Jacques Marquette

Marquette and Joilette

Lewis and Clark

Sebastian Vizcaino