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Chariho Middle School Library: 6th Grade MLA Research Project

General Research Sources

Big 6 Research Model

Step 1: Task Definition (Figure out what information you need)
   a. Define a focus question 
   b. Determine information needed 

Step 2: Information Seeking Strategies (Identify possible sources of information example: encyclopedia, web site, book, etc)
   a. Determine all possible sources

Step 3: Location and Access (How can you best find the information you need? Are you using a Table of Contents, Index, or Advanced Search?)

   a. Locate and access sources                                                                                           
   b. Evaluate sources using CRAAP  (click on link to watch a video on CRAAP)    

         1. Destiny Quest: print books, websites, World Book Encyclopedia Login with student id #and birth date  If using a print  book be sure to write down the ISBN # Click on the "One Search" tab to get to the World Book Encylopedia

         2. BrainPop videos, short articles 
         3. Discovery Education videos, images, encyclopedia articles, audio files and more Login with cms in front of student id#  and birth date

Middle Search Plus newspaper, magazine, and encyclopedia articles and Searchasaurus is a good  place to look for 6th grade reading level articles

5K-8 eBook Collection click on the link for the K-8 eBook Collection  and search for the topic you are researching

Step 4: Use of Information (Take Notes using the Cornell Notetaking Method (click on link to watch a video on Cornell Notetaking). Keep track of your sources of information writing down where you got the information and using EasyBib.)
     a. Engage information : Use Cornell Notetaking                                                         

     b. Deepen understanding                                                          

            i. Read sources closely                                                              

           ii. Draw personal conclusions 

Step 5: Synthesis (Answer your research questions by bringing all the sources of information you used together in one paper or other project)
    a. Organize information           
    b. Create presentation with works cited 

Step 6: Evaluation (Reflect on how well you did creating your paper or project, Think about how you conducted you research and how you could improve)

    a. Judge the product
    b. Judge the process




Plate Tectonics - Volcanoes

Terra Cotta Warriors


Pyramid Building


Board Builder - Discovery Education

Remember to log on to Discovery Education with cms in front of your student id number and your password is your 6 digit birthdate.