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This video, Medieval Times: Life in the Middle Ages, is an overview of time in history. (31:38 min)
eBooks on Middle Ages (charihoms / chariho) :
Check out this eBook, Did Castles Have Bathrooms: And Other Questions About The MIddle Ages
The eBook Medieval Life is also a great general resource
This video segment from, Living History: Living in Medieval Europe, is on the life of a serf from Discover Education (1.24min)
This video segment from The Age of Charlemagne is about the role of women during medieval time.
This video segment from, Living History: Living in Medieval Europe, describes the feudal system. (5.08 min)
This video segment from World History: The Medieval Era describes the relationships between lords, knights, and peasants. (4.50 min)
This video segment from Just the Facts: World History: The Middle Ages provides an explanation of feudalism. (4:22 min)
This video segment from Living History: Living in Medieval Europe describes religion during the middle ages. (4.27 min)
This video segment from World History: the Medieval Era is about the crusades. (7.45min)
This video Just the Facts: World History: The Middle Ages has a segment The Later Middle Ages: Health & Living Conditions (2 min) which describes threats to individuals health during the middle ages. (2:00 min)
This video Just the Facts: World History: The Middle Ages has a segment The Later Middle Ages: The Bubonic Plague scroll down to find it about the impact of the Bubonic plague. (2:22 min)
This video segment from Living History: Living in Medieval Europe, is on the role of knights. (2.40 min)
This video segment from World History: The Medieval Era will describe life for the nobles during the middle ages. (2.45 min)
This video segment from World History: The Medieval Era is about the relationship between the king and his nobles.
This video Just the Facts: World History: The Middle Ages has a segment The Later Middle Ages: Monarchies & Nation-States about monarchies during the middle ages. (3:26 min)