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Chariho Middle School Library: Middle Ages Roles and LIfestyle

General Middle Ages Resources

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This video, Medieval Times: Life in the Middle Ages, is an overview of time in history. (31:38 min)

eBooks on Middle Ages (charihoms / chariho) :

Check out this eBook, Did Castles Have Bathrooms: And Other Questions About The MIddle Ages

The eBook Medieval Life is also a great general resource




This video  segment from, Living History: Living in Medieval Europe, is on the life of a serf from Discover Education (1.24min)

Women in the Middle Ages

This video segment from The Age of Charlemagne is about the role of women during medieval time.

Medieval Homes

Feudal Life

This video segment from, Living History: Living in Medieval Europe, describes the feudal system. (5.08 min)

This video segment from World History: The Medieval Era describes the relationships between lords, knights, and peasants. (4.50 min)

This video segment from Just the Facts: World History: The Middle Ages provides an explanation of feudalism. (4:22 min)


This video segment from Living History: Living in Medieval Europe  describes religion during the middle ages. (4.27 min)


This video segment from World History: the Medieval Era is about the crusades. (7.45min)

Life Expectancy/Health/Dangers


This video Just the Facts: World History: The Middle Ages  has a segment   The Later Middle Ages: Health & Living Conditions   (2 min) which describes threats to individuals health during the middle ages. (2:00 min)

This video  Just the Facts: World History: The Middle Ages has a segment The Later Middle Ages: The Bubonic Plague scroll down to find it about the impact of the Bubonic plague. (2:22 min)

Leisure Time


This video segment from Living History: Living in Medieval Europe, is on the role of knights. (2.40 min)


This video segment from World History: The Medieval Era will describe life for the nobles during the middle ages. (2.45 min)



This video segment from World History: The Medieval Era is about the relationship between the king and his nobles.

This video  Just the Facts: World History: The Middle Ages  has a segment The Later Middle Ages: Monarchies & Nation-States about monarchies during the middle ages. (3:26 min)