Scroll down to find this database and search for your author. Look for the link on the right hand side for "Authors" if you want to browse the lists of authors.
Choose this database and search for information about your author and his or her works. (charihoms/chariho)
Video Interviews with Top Young Adult Authors
This site has brief biographies and videos of interviews with authors.
Biography Online
This internet site has biographical information, quotes, and information about the author's writings.
This website provides a list of author biographies.
This website has very brief biograhies.
This site provides videos as well as text. Just search for whatever author you want information on.
Book Reporter-
Various web listings of author’s websites.
This site has links to brief author biographies and lists of authors' works.
Video Interviews with Children's Authors and Illustrators
This page features interviews of children's authors.
Famous Children's Authors on Biography
Check out this page for ideas on an author to choose or information about one you have chosen.