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Eden Park School Library: Home

Eden Park Library

Welcome to the Eden Park Library!


Please explore our Libguide.  You can find assignments, homework help, information about the library, and much more!


World Book

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Homework Help

About the Library

The Eden Park Library Media Center has over 6,000 books, magazines, videos, and other materials.  

The library is staffed with a certified librarian on Wednesday and Friday.  The hours are:

Wednesday - 7:30-3:00

Friday - 7:30-3:00

Library Policies

Every class has library for 50 minutes per week.  Students check out books every week.

Kindergarten  - Books are kept in the classroom.

1st Grade - Students may choose 1 book to check out at a time and may bring it home.  Books are due every week.

2nd-5th Grade - Students may choose up to 2 books to check out a time and may bring them home.  Books are due every week.

*Students are encouraged to check out books that are "just right" for them.  Not all books may be suitable for all students.

*Students are responsible for their books.  If a book is damaged or lost, the student will either replace that book or pay the cost of that book.





The Eden Park School Library serves as its primary clientele the Eden Park school students, staff, teachers, service providers, family and community, without regard for age, gender, religious or ethnic background, political affiliation, educational ability or economic status. As a member of the RILINK Consortium, the Eden Park School Library further extends full access to its materials and services at no charge to the RILINK Consortium schools, libraries and communities. The Eden Park School Library’s resources are chosen for its students, staff and faculty. Resources are chosen to support the Cranston Public School curriculum and to engage and excite students ages K – Grade 5. Resources include books, periodicals CD’s, DVD’s, digital books and online databases. In addition, the Library has one classroom sized facility, a projector, an Elmo, tables, and computers. The facility is available for use by the school community per approval from the school Principal. The Library has a fixed schedule of classes.. Curriculum integration and collaboration are the lifeblood of the library. The Library also offers on-line databases as well as Internet access. The library webpage and LibGuide ( provide access to the on-line catalog, selected online databases through the RILINK Consortium, various curriculum resources and integrations, and numerous links to recommended Internet resources. 

RILINK Interlibrary Loan Policy

As a member of the RILINK consortium, we follow the consortium-level Interlibrary Loan Policy that is listed here:

RILINK Interlibrary Loan Policy
(adopted February 3, 2016; revised March 31, 2022)


Please note: This consortium-level policy is meant to serve as a minimum guideline for RILINK member libraries. If a RILINK member library does not have its own Interlibrary Loan Policy, this policy may be used. 

For the purposes of this policy, interlibrary loan refers to both borrowing (requesting) and lending (supplying) of materials.

RILINK supports school libraries, library media specialists, teachers, staff, and students with shared resources and training in partnership with the entire educational community.

In support of this mission, RILINK encourages all of its eligible member libraries* to join the LORI Network and actively participate in interlibrary loan and resource sharing.

RILINK member libraries that become LORI member libraries and participate in resource sharing and interlibrary loan must meet the requirements of the LORI Standards and are expected to adhere to the following interlibrary loan policy:

  • All items in a participating library’s collection that are generally available to the library’s local patrons must also be available through interlibrary loan to all LORI member libraries

  • Interlibrary loan requests must be filled (or declined) as quickly as possible

  • Interlibrary loan requests will be filled at the discretion of the school librarian

  • Interlibrary loan requests may be placed by patrons or library staff, depending on the needs of individual member libraries

  • Materials sent to fulfill interlibrary loan requests will be circulated for a minimum of 28 days to allow ample delivery time on either end of the loan period

  • Maximum interlibrary loan checkouts will be determined by individual member libraries

  • There is no charge for interlibrary loan transactions, with the following exceptions:

    • requesting libraries may charge overdue fines to requesting patrons who return interlibrary loan items late

    • requesting libraries may be billed the replacement cost of damaged or lost interlibrary loan items at the discretion of supplying libraries

  • A member library’s own patron hold requests will take precedence over interlibrary loan requests for the same item

  • Interlibrary loan requests may not be declined based solely on a requested item’s format

  • Items that are specifically reserved for in-library or classroom use may be temporarily excluded from interlibrary loan as needed

  • Any other collection items or special collections that are unavailable for interlibrary lending must be specified in the member library’s individual interlibrary loan policy; such restrictions must not violate compliance with the LORI Standards


Ms. Manion

Library Media Specialist

Glen Hills Elementary School

Eden Park Elementary School
