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Human Rights: Topic Ideas & Resources:

Resources to help students gather information for their Activism Fair!


Explore human rights violations around the world:

"It's not happening here, but it is happening now" - Amnesty International

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union):

Human Rights Campaign:

Anti-Slavery International:

MLA formatting and examples:

Southern Poverty Law Center:

The Southern Poverty Law Center is dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society.



United Nations:

Human Rights Watch:

The 2022 review of human rights around the globe.

Human Rights First:

USA for UNHCR - The U.N. Refugee Agency:

Refugee emergencies around the world...

Amnesty International:

Anti-Defamation League:

World History in Context Database:

This resource will help students gain a more complete understanding of the people and cultures that formed our collective history.

The NS High School Password for this database is ns30344

Girls not Brides: