Go to AskRI.org and set up an online account to access live tutoring help for your children. This is an incredible resource available completely free to Rhode Island residents!
I cannot sing the praises of AskRI.org enough. We are so fortunate to have these resources at our fingertips. You can read a digital version of a magazine, search information in a variety of online encyclopedias and databases, learn a new language, discover your next good read, and get homework assistance. AskRI.org is the best-kept secret in the state but I hope we can change this!
One of the best places to go for a recommendation is NoveList on AskRI.org. You can plug in a book, series, or author you've enjoyed and get "read-alike" suggestions. It is a great place to begin!
Your child finds a book they love and desperately wants to read the next in the series but no one knows which one comes next. Look no further than this SERIES FINDER website that can assist you!