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West Glocester Elementary School Library: Makerspace

Makerspace Stations and Activities

We have Many Makerspace Stations!

Here are some examples of what students can do:

  • Robot Station--Code our Dash Robots to go through a maze
  • Building Station--Try a challenge to build a spiral tower with Keva Blocks
  • Lego Station--Build an igloo using Legos
  • Craft Station--Make a Knitting tube to make a toy snake
  • Drawing Station--Observe nature objects and draw what you see
  • Reading Station--Listen to an audio book, read a magazine or book
  • Research Station--Research topics of your choice using databases
  • Nature and Science Station--Learn how to use a Microscope 
  • Technology and Coding Station--Learn about circuitry by using Makey Makey
  • Library Skills Station--Learn how to find books using the Dewey Decimal System
  • And so much more!

The Makerspace is a place for students to create, learn, express themselves,

collaborate, find new ways of doing things,

try new things, innovate, imagine, invent      

and so much more.

Take a minute to read more about why Makerspaces belong

in our schools and why we are so lucky to have one!

Why Are Makerspaces Important?

Grades 3-5 use a Makerspace Tracker while in the Makerspace.
They earn stamps for each station they visit.
They also fill out an Exit Ticket to record their learning. 


Makerspace In Action

Please consider donating to our Makerspace

    The Makerspace uses lots of items found in your recycle bin and many other things you can find around the house.

We currently have a good supply of recycled materials, but if you happen to have an old clock or other small gadget that is broken we could use a few for our deconstruction station. We really appreciate your donations!

Thank you!

Makerspace Technology