In the late 1960’s, everything was changing. The “baby boom” generation was taking over! Known as the counterculture the new breed of youth rejects the fashions, traditions, and morals of American society. Women protest forms of oppression and male privileges that have “always”, it seems, been taken for granted. Minority groups assert their equal rights, demanding changes to the longstanding practices and prejudices. Many American begin to feel as if the whole nation has been turned on its side.
Counterculture Include definition, Hippie, hippie culture, Haight-Ashbury, Flower Power, ….. way of life, compare to beatniks of the 1950’s may include Woodstock,
Women fight for Equality Include feminism, Betty Friedman, President Kennedy’s Commission in 1961, how the EEOC played a role, women in the workplace, NOW, Gloria Steinem, Higher Education Act, Roe v. Wade, ERA, Phyllis Schlafly, protests and demonstrations.
Culture Music and Art Andy Warhol, M. Monroe, Rock & Roll, (origins, bands, songs) purpose/meaning/message of music, Woodstock, Fashion, Popular Trends
Latinos and Native Americans seek equality include Farm worker movement, California grapes, Cesar Chavez, “brown power” 1968 education act, LA Brown Berets, 1968 Johnson program for Indians, American Indian Movement, BIA, 1972 Indian Education, Claims act 1971
Conservative Response J. Edgar Hoover, “revolutionary terrorism”, 1968 presidential conventions, response from mainstream America.
This is a required research project. RR3 1 test grade.
DUE Wednesday March 30, 2016
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