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Explorations in Reading: Academic Support

Resources and student work completed in Explorations in Reading, taught by Mrs. Steever

Academic Support

The following supports are commonly available in classes. Though teachers strive to help in many ways, we don’t always know your specific needs unless you ask.



For clarification about due dates and specifics about homework, assignments, assessments, and missed work?

  • Teachers may post such information on the board, on a website or Google Classroom, or some combination.


For test/quiz corrections?

  • Teachers may be willing to provide time for you to revise your work, to obtain one-on-one re-teaching, and/or to self-assess and reflect on your strengths and weaknesses related to particular topics.


For clarification of assessment questions or grading feedback?

  • Teachers can help you to understand the format of a correct response on an assessment, as well as what their feedback means specifically to specific kinds of questions.

For extra help before, after school, advisory?

  • Teachers can provide opportunities for you to clarify minor misunderstandings or to ask questions about recent class work.


For feedback about academic progress? 

  • Teachers can help to improve your achievement by clearly communicating expectations to you so that you can recognize gaps that exist between the learning goal and your current knowledge.


For a seat change or other ways to reduce distractions?

  • You can take the initiative to provide yourself with an opportunity to learn and remove distractions.

Additional Supports

Other interventions initiated by student as appropriate are:

  • Request additional/on-line supports (IXL, Learning Ally, Khan Academy, etc.).
  • Request a meeting with a guidance counselor, especially if there are extenuating circumstances that may be interfering with your academics.
  • Request a Peer Tutor.  The Peer Tutor Program is managed by the EGHS National Honor Society. Students requesting tutoring services are matched with qualified students and are scheduled to meet once a week for academic support.

Study Spaces

Did You Know That...

  • The Library is open before school starting at 7:40 a.m.
  • The Cafeteria is open before school.
  • The Foyer is open before school.

Talk to Your Teacher


How to implement your accommodations?

  • Discuss with your teacher effective ways to carry out classroom accommodations.

How you learn best?

  • Teachers often can adapt lessons to incorporate different learning styles.