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EGHS - Mr. DeAngelis: 2020 Activist Project Period 7

Activist Slide Presentations - DeAngelis Period 7

To view Google Slides presentations on your device, click on FULL-SCREEN tool Full Screen tool on the slide tool bar.

Stokely Carmichael created by Damon Brouillard

Malala Yousafzai created by Sami Gangji

Temple Grandin created by Hannah Onorato

Muhammad Ali created by Curtis Browne

Yuri Kochiyama created by Rachel Burdette

Activist Videos - DeAngelis Period 7

John Lewis created by Adam Stern

Activist Slide Presentations - DeAngelis Period 7

To view Google Slides presentations on your device, click on FULL-SCREEN tool Full Screen tool on the slide tool bar.

Parkland Survivors  and March for Our Lives created by Nick Iadeluca

Megan Rapinoe created by Karaline Scaramella

Winona LaDuke created by Will Foster

Marion Wright Edelman created by Mary Ucci

Activist Poetry - DeAngelis Period 7

Megan Rapinoe created by John Vernon

Activist Digital Gallery - DeAngelis Period 7

Michelle Obama created by Emma Stark

Patrisse Cullor created by Malik Vernon

Activist Infographics - DeAngelis Period 7

Infographics are best viewed in full screen after the file has been downloaded.

John Muir created by Will Jackson

Malcolm X Natalia Oganesian

Barbara Walters created by Jacqueline DePetro