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Stadium School Library: Home


Stadium Elementary School's Library
services the information 
needs of ALL members of the learning community.  
Students ~ Teachers ~ Parents/Grandparents ~ Staff ~ Administrators ~ Volunteers 


Classroom Library Days

Stadium Library is open to students and staff of Stadium Elementary School during the hours and classroom schedule listed below.  

WEDNESDAYS:  (8:50 - 3:35)

Mrs. DeMarzo

Mrs. Scanlon

Ms. Leonard

Mrs. Theroux

Mrs. Pereira

Mrs. Lipka


FRIDAYS:  (8:50- 3:35)

Mrs. Barron

Mrs. Natale

Mr. Barron

Mrs. Vito

Mrs. Caiano

Mr. Harwood

Profile Photo
Carolyn Steward
Hope Highlands: Mon., Wed., and Fri.
Stadium: Tues. and Thurs.

Stadium Library Policies

Book Checkout is a Privilege!

Respect our library and our books.  

Students will:  

  • choose books every week  
  • return books in order to check out a book next time    
  • take proper care of books

In accordance with LORI Standards Certification, the Service Policy for Stadium School Library are linked here:  

As a member of the RILINK consortium, we follow the consortium-level Interlibrary Loan Policy that is posted on the RILINK website here: