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Tiverton High School Library: Global Awareness (Gr 9 SS)

MLA Formatting Help

Personal Interview Citation:

Personal interviews refer to those interviews that you conduct yourself. List the interview by the name of the interviewee. Include the descriptor Personal interview and the date of the interview.

Smith, Jane. Personal interview. 19 May 2014.

World History Research Resources

Username: tivertonhs, password: tigers

Grolier Online Encyclopedia
Username: tivertonhs  password: tigers



Username: tivertonhs   password: tigers

EBSCO Biography Reference Center Database
(thru AskRI)--you will need a public library card to  log 
into this database from home.
 If you do not have a card, 
you can click here to apply for one.)


Great Lives from History 2000-2017
Salem Press 1920s & 1950s

Username: tivertonhs  password: tigers


World Book Online Encyclopedia

(you will need a public library card to  log 
into this database from home.
 If you do not have a card, 
you can click here to apply for one.)