Students in French 6 at East Greenwich High School were asked to choose something "timeless" and research the history and evolution of the item. Students were tasked with presenting their research as well as their personal opinions in the form of a podcast.
Les Modes Intemporelles - Electric Guitars, recorded by Liam and David
Les Modes Intemporelles - Legos, recorded by Rachel and Lindsey
Les Modes Intemporelles - Levis, recorded by Grace, Anaïs, and Maggie
Les Modes Intemporelles - Ticonderoga pencils, recorded by Maddie and Bella
Les Modes Intemporelles - Scrunchies, recorded by Kyla and Sofia
Les Modes Intemporelles - Mom Jeans, recorded by Téa and Katie
Les Modes Intemporelles - Vogue Magazine, recorded by Victoria and Maya
Les Modes Intemporelles - Musical Theatre, recorded by Julianne and Emmy
Les Modes Intemporelles - Les Jeans - Jeans. Laura, Kavana and Sophie
Le Rouge à Lèvres - Red Lipstick. Jordan and Jessica.
Les Modes Intemporelles - Les Jupes - Skirts. Morgan and Ada
Les Modes Intemporelles - Le Vinyle - Vinyl Records. Joe and Maaike